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Price Floor

  • Minimum price (lower price limit) allowed by legislation
  • Government believes equilibrium price is too low
  • Prices of all affected goods or services transacted cannot be below the minimum price allowed
  • For a price floor to be effective, the legislated price, , must be above the market equilibrium price
  • Surplus occurs, as
  • Quantity transacted will fall
  • Consumer surplus will fall
  • With government intervention, producers can earn more
  • A minimum wage may help reduce the income gap between higher and lower wage earners

Price Ceiling

  • Opposite of a price floor
  • Maximum price (upper price limit) allowed by legislation
  • Prices of all affected goods or services transacted cannot be above the maximum price allowed
  • For a price ceiling to be effective, the legislated price must be below the equilibrium price
  • Shortage occurs, as
  • What alternative means of resource allocation can replace the price mechanism, now that a price ceiling is imposed?
    1. First come, first serve
    2. Rationing
    3. Government
  • A black market may come into existence
  • Underallocation of resources
    • producers don’t want to produce much at a lower price
    • therefore deadweight loss

Black Markets

  • Any market where goods or services are sold illegally at prices above the legal price ceiling
  • Exists because buyers are willing and able to pay higher than the legal price ceiling****** at the transacted quantity
  • Profits can be made by those buying at the controlled price and selling at the black market price