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  • Waves: The transfer of energy from one place to another without the net displacement of matter

    • I.e. after energy is transferred, there is no displacement of matter
  • Mechanical waves: transfer energy from one place to another without the net displacement of matter, but requires a medium to propagate

    • The particles in the medium vibrate back and forth about fixed positions (equilibrium position)
  • Transverse waves: particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of energy flow, e.g. water, electromagnetic waves

  • Longitudinal waves: particles vibrate along straight lines parallel to the direction of the energy flow

  • However:

    1. Assumes no other disturbances in the motion
    2. Ignores situations where there is no medium
  • Requirements for medium:

    1. Mechanical waves must have a medium, e.g. sound
    2. Non-mechanical waves do not require a medium, e.g. EMR

Anatomy of a Wave

  • Crest: Highest displacement of a particle in the positive direction
    • Highest point in the graph
  • Trough: Lowest displacement of a particle in the negative direction
    • Lowest point in the graph
  • Wavelength (): Distance between any 2 consecutive points in a wave that are in phase
    • From one crest to another crest
    • From one trough to another trough
    • Distance it takes for the wave to repeat
  • Frequency (f): The number of complete oscillations per second. Unit of frequency is the Hz(Hertz)
    • Remains constant, even if reflected/refracted
    • Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to one another
  • Period (T): Time take for one wavelength to complete (seconds), equal to
  • Phase: State of vibration that a particle has reached in its cycle of motion. Waves are in phase when particles of the wave move in the exact same way at the same time
  • Speed = distance/time
  • Distance = speed time
  • Time = distance/speed
  • Speed of sound at is
  • remains constant, thus if increases, increases

Wave Behaviours

  • Energy incident upon a surface is
    • Reflected
    • Absorbed
    • Transmitted (goes through the object)
    • Usually a combination of these 3



  • When energy is incident upon a surface (e.g. boundary between 2 different mediums), then some/all of the energy “bounces” back into the original medium

Law of Reflection

  • The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence
  • Angle of incidence: angle between the incident ray and the normal


  • Occurs when a wave passes from the medium to another, at an angle other than 90˚ and changes direction
  • Changes speed, and therefore wavelength, but not frequency
  • NB: The media may simply be referred to as slow(er) or fast(er)
  • We all know that in order of density, solid > liquid > air > vacuum
    • Sound: speed of sound increases with density of medium
    • Light: speed of light decreases with density of medium
      • If a ray goes into a slower medium it bends towards the normal


  • Bending/spreading of waves beyond a gap/slit/aperture with no change in wavelength, frequency or velocity
  • Diffraction around corners
    • When a wave moves past a corner, due to the wavefront being a source of secondary wavelets; the wave diffracts and spreads out.
    • The area where there is no diffraction is called the shadow region
  • Wavelength Effect
    • Diffraction increases with increase in wavelength.
    • Thus long wavelength (low frequency) waves are diffracted more than short wavelength (high frequency) waves
    • This is why ultrasound waves don’t diffract much and are used for locating purposes such as in sonar or ultrasound; they do not disperse/diffract much at all.
  • Aperture Size Effect
    • As the aperture size increases, the extent of diffraction decreases.
    • As the aperture Size decreases, the extent of diffraction increases
    • The diffraction is greater when wavelength size is roughly equal to the aperture size
    • For apertures smaller than the wavelength size, there is no diffraction


  • Intensity: power output per unit area, measures in Watts per metres squared

  • Intensity is known to decrease by the inverse square law of waves as they spread in ALL directions

  • Intensity is proportional to the inverse of the square of the length/radius