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  • Matrices are a way of graphically storing certain data.

Matrix Addition

  • 2 matrices can be added if and only if their dimensions are the same

Matrix Multiplication

  • 2 matrices can be multiplied if and only if the number of columns on the first matrix is equal to the number of rows on the second matrix

The Identity Matrix

  • Basically the matrix equivalent of 1
  • Any matrix times this is equal to the same matrix
  • A matrix where everything is 0, but the main leading diagonal is β€œ1”s

The Inverse Matrix

  • The determinant of a matrix is as such:

  • The inverse of a matrix is:

  • is equal to the identity matrix
  • We can use this to determine an unknown matrix

Transformation Matrices

  • These matrices are used to create linear transformations in a 2d plane
  • They are placed on the left, e.g.
  • The inverse is also placed on the left, e.g.

Important Transformation Matrices

Reflection about x-axis

Reflection about y-axis

Reflection about the line

Reflection about the line

Reflection about the line

Rotation anticlockwise about a point

Translation along x-axis and along y-axis

Rotation clockwise about a point

Projection onto x-axis

Projection onto y-axis

Enlargement factor about the origin

Shear factor along the x-axis

Shear factor along the y-axis

Dilation about y-axis and about x-axis (note: for a shape to not be dilated, or is equal to 1)