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The advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

Source: Oxford Dictionary of English

Background Research

Waves of Feminism

  • The wave metaphor is the most common explanation for feminism’s movements

First Wave

  • Late 19th-century
  • Was not the first appearance of feminist ideals
  • First-wave feminism had a fairly simple goal: have society recognise that women are humans, not property.
  • While the leaders of 1st-wave feminism were abolitionists, their focus was on white women’s rights.
    • This exclusion would haunt feminism for years to come.
  • In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft published the revolutionary Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
  • In 1848, about 200 women met in a church.
    • They came up with 12 resolutions asking for specific rights, such as the right to vote. Reproductive rights also became an important issue for early feminists.
  • After years of feminist activism, Congress finally passed the 19th amendment in 1920 and gave women the vote.
  • This was almost 30 years after New Zealand became the first country where women could vote.

Second Wave

  • Second-wave feminism took place in the 1960s and ‘70s. It built on first-wave feminism and challenged what women’s role in society should be
  • Inspired by the Civil Rights movement and protests against the Vietnam War, activists focused on the institutions that held women back.
    • This meant taking a closer look at why women were oppressed.
  • Traditional gender and family roles were questioned.
  • Queer theory became more established.
  • There were major victories in this era including the Equal Pay Act of 1963, Roe v. Wade in 1973, and other Supreme Court cases
  • Three main types of feminism emerged: mainstream/liberal, radical, and cultural. -
    • Mainstream feminism focused on institutional reforms, which meant reducing gender discrimination, giving women access to male-dominated spaces, and promoting equality.
    • Radical feminism wanted to reshape society entirely, saying that the system was inherently patriarchal and only an overhaul would bring liberation. It resisted the belief that men and women were basically the same.
    • Cultural feminism had a similar view and taught that there’s a “female essence” that’s distinct from men.

Third Wave

  • Thanks to the institutional victories of second-wave feminism, women enjoyed more rights and power going into the 1990s.
  • They were able to think about other aspects of their identity, welcoming individuality and rebellion. This was an era of reclaiming.
  • Important cultural touchstones include Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, the Guerilla Girls, and punk rock riot grrls.
  • Many women more freely expressed their sexuality in how they spoke, dressed, and acted.
  • This sometimes bewildered 2nd-wave feminists, many of whom had resisted traditional femininity.
  • While many ideas and mini-movements swirled around in this time, the one “rule” was that there weren’t rules. A woman should choose how she lived her life.
  • Third-wave feminism also became more conscious of race.
  • Kimberle Crenshaw, a gender and critical-race scholar, coined the phrase “intersectionality” in 1989.
  • The term refers to how different kinds of oppression – like those based on gender and race – intersect with each other.
  • While mainstream first and second-wave feminism had largely ignored or neglected racial disparities within gender, the Third wave paid more attention.
  • The phrase “third-wave feminism” was coined in 1992 by Rebecca Walker, a 23-year old Black bisexual woman. When the internet became more commonplace, it was even easier to hear perspectives and ideas from feminists around the world. Feminism was expanding.

Fourth Wave

  • Some people think we’re still in the third wave of feminism since the fourth wave isn’t so much of a shift as the continued growth of the movement.
  • However, with the MeToo movement and a resurgence of attacks on women’s rights many believe we’re living in a new wave.
  • Social media activism has propelled the movement firmly into the technological age.
  • It builds on the third wave’s emphasis on inclusivity and asks hard questions about what empowerment, equality, and freedom really mean.
  • Fourth-wave feminism continues to reckon with intersectionality. Critics of “white feminism,” which ignores the unique struggles of women of colour, expose how non-white feminists and ideas have been – and continue to be – suppressed.
  • Trans rights are a big part of the conversation, too. Feminism has often been an unwelcoming and hostile place for trans women and others who reject the gender binary.
    • Many fourth-wave feminists are working to combat this exclusion. As with every wave before it (and any wave that comes after it), the fourth wave is complex. It encompasses many movements that both complement and clash with each other. This tension is unavoidable. While some types of feminism can have harmful impacts, having a variety of voices makes feminism more inclusive and successful.

Types of feminism


  • They seek to dismantle the traditional patriarchal power and gender roles that oppress women → dismantle the patriarchy
  • They see patriarchy as the root cause of inequality
  • Central issues
    • Reproductive rights
    • End violence against women
    • Criticize motherhood and marriage


  • Main cause of women’s oppression is capitalism
  • Women are expected to produce children
  • Domestic work is seen as unpaid labour, benefitting men and the capitalistic society
  • Advocate for communist society


  • Believes equality should be achieve through education and policy changes
  • Women be treated equal to men e.g in the workplace, politics and media
  • Equality in the home as well as public life e.g men and women share the household chores


  • Emerged in the late 20th century
  • Emphasises the importance of social and political factors in understanding gender
  • Gender determined by culture and society rather than biology.
  • Believes that women’s oppression was a result of social and political factors
  • Reaction to second wave feminism
  • Feminism is for everyone, not just women


  • Explores the experiences of black women, and the injustices they face
  • Fight for liberation from racism, classism and sexism


  • Connection between women and nature
  • Patriarchal dominance has led to the degradation of nature
  • Feminine characteristics of care and nurturing


  • There is a particular female essence to being a woman that distinguishes them from men
  • Men and women are not equal, but differences make them unique
  • ‘Weakness,’ like sentimentality, is a strength
  • ‘Male’ behaviours like aggressiveness are harmful to society, while more feminine values like being caring would make the world a better place
  • Women are biologically and inherently more nurturing → more inclusion of women in decision making processes in society


  • Transnational feminism is a feminist movement that focuses on the interconnected experiences of women across different cultures, nations, and backgrounds.
  • It emphasises the need to address the multiple forms of oppression that women face globally, such as patriarchy, colonialism, racism, and capitalism.
  • Transnational feminism seeks to create a more inclusive and equitable world for all women, regardless of their geographical location


  • Visionary feminism is a concept that encompasses a wide range of perspectives and approaches to achieving gender equality and social justice.
  • It is a feminist movement that emphasises the importance of imagination, creativity, and vision in shaping a more equitable and inclusive society.
  • Visionary feminism recognizes that gender inequality is deeply intertwined with other forms of oppression, such as race, class, sexuality, and disability. It seeks to address these intersections and create a more inclusive and equitable society for all.
  • Some key principles of visionary feminism include:
    1. Intersectionality: Visionary feminism recognises that gender inequality is intersectional and that women’s experiences and perspectives are shaped by multiple forms of oppression
    2. Imagination and creativity: Visionary feminism emphasises the importance of imagination and creativity in shaping a more equitable and inclusive society
    3. Inclusivity: Visionary feminism seeks to create a more inclusive and diverse movement that recognises the value of all women’s experiences and perspectives
    4. Collaboration: Visionary feminism emphasises the importance of collaboration and collective action in achieving gender equality and social justice
  • Overall, visionary feminism is a dynamic and inclusive approach to feminist activism that seeks to create a more equitable and just society for all

Overview of feminist literature Feminist literature is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of texts that explore the experiences, perspectives, and struggles of women and other marginalised groups. These texts often challenge traditional gender roles and power structures, and offer alternative visions of society that are more equitable and inclusive. Some key themes in feminist literature include the intersectionality of gender with other forms of oppression, such as race, class, and sexuality; the importance of female friendship and solidarity; and the need for social and political change to achieve gender equality. Some notable feminist authors include Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, and bell hooks.