- Newton: there is absolute time and space
- Ole Römer (danish)
- Hugygens - calculated ‘c’ based on the positions of Jupiter’s moons
- 1887 Michetson Morley Interferometer
- Fitzgerald - Lorentz
Einstein’s 2 postulates
- The speed of light is constant (in a vacuum)
- The laws of physics are equivalent in inertial reference form
- Implications: objects contract in their length in their direction of motion
- For objects passing each other at speeds approaching “c”
- Each sees the other’s length to be contracted (gets shorter)
- Each time is dilated (seconds get longer)
- For objects passing each other at speeds approaching “c”
Cherenkov radiation
Length Contraction
The length of an object passing you (at speed approaching c) will be measured by you to be contracted in its length
Only applies to dimension in the direction of travel
The same observation is made of you by the object passing you i.e. motion is relative
Everyone in all different inertial reference frames observes the length of everyone/everything in motion relative to them to be shorter
Nobody sees anybody else’s lengths getting longer
Only noticeable for objects where relative motion approaches c
Proper length () is the length as measured by an observer in their own reference frame
Relativistic length is the measurement made of a quantity in the observerd reference frame
NB: Every reference frame has its own proper length/time/momentum etc, and measurements made of any other inertial reference frame will be relativistic length/time etc
Derivation of Lorentz formula
Relativistic addition of velocities
- Classical: simple addition
- A person walking at 5 m/s toward the front of a ship moving forward at 10 m/sis moving at 5+10 = 15 m/s wrt a stationary observer
- Relativistic speeds
- A spaceship travelling at 0.8c fires a missile at 0.3c
- If classical mechanics applied, the missile would be travelling at 0.8c + 0.3c = 1.1c, which is impossible
Relativistic Momentum and Energy
“chemistry’s not even a subject” “just go c c c c in the multiple choice like you always do”
????? sad