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Reactivity of Group 1 Metals increases as there are more valence electron shells

ESF: Electrostatic Forces of Attraction

Down a Group:

  • Number of outer shell electrons is the same
  • Number of complete electron shells increases by 1
  • Number of a group is the same as the number of electrons in the outer shell of elements in that group, except for group 0
  • Shielding increases
  • Atomic radius increases

Across a Period (Left to Right)

  • Number of outer shell electrons increases by 1
  • Number of complete electron shells stays the same
  • The point at which a new period starts is the point at which electrons begin to fill a new shell
  • Nuclear Charge increases across a period
  • Shielding is the same across a period
  • Nuclear Attraction increases across a period


  • Valency is the combining power of an atom
  • Equal to number of hydrogen atoms it can combine with or displace from a compound
    • Valency of hydrogen is 1
  • Valency is not the same as the number of valence electrons
    • e.g., Nitrogen has 5 valence electrons but its valency is 3
Nuclear Charge+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18
Electron Configuration2,8,12,8,22,8,32,8,42,8,52,8,62,8,72,8,8
Shielding (inner shell electrons)1010101010101010
Nuclear Attraction+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8
Atomic Radius0.

Atomic Radius

  • Atomic Radius: Distance from the outermost valence electron to the nucleus
  • Atomic Radius decreases across a period
    • The outer electrons are in the same shell but the increasing net nuclear attraction pulls the outer electrons closer to the nucleus
  • Increases down a group
    • Number of protons increases, however, number of shielding electrons increases too. Effective nuclear charge therefore remains approx. constant
    • Increase in radius is due to higher principle energy levels being filed, and valency energy level is located further from the nucleus
  • Largest atomic radius is Caesium (Cs)


  • Electronegativity: Ability of an atom to attract bonding pair of electrons in a covalent bond
    • In a covalent bond between 2 different elements, the electron density is not shared equally
      • has a bonding pair of electrons, shared equally
      • has a bonding pair of electrons not shared equally
      • Chlorine is more electronegative
        • Has a greater ability to attract a bonding pair of electrons not shared equally than carbon
  • Decreases down a group
    • Down a group, there is an increase in atomic radius
    • Leads to weaker ESF between the nucleus and the furthermost valence electron
      • Because shielding effect increases, i.e., repulsion from core electrons
  • Increases across a period
    • Increase in number of protons
    • Increase in positive charge in the nucleus
    • Increased ESF between valence electrons and the nucleus
    • Decrease in atomic radius, increase in ESF
  • Highest Electronegativity is Fluorine (Fl)

Ionisation Energy

  • Energy required to remove an electron from a given atom
  • First Ionisation Energy (of an element): Energy required to remove 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of gaseous atoms

  • Can use ionisation energy to find reactivity of metals
    • When metals react, they lose electrons (ionisation energy)
    • Group 1 only has first ionisation energy, as it only has 1 valence electron
  • Increases across a period*
    • Stronger ESF between nucleus and valence electrons due to smaller atomic radius
    • Greater number of protons results in greater force of attraction between nucleus and valence electrons
      • Shielding remains the same, proton number increases, nuclear charge increases
    • Energy required to overcome this ESF increases, therefore ionisation energy increases
  • Decreases down a period
    • Increasing atomic radius
    • ESF between valence electron and nucleus is weaker
    • Increase in shielding effect
      • Increase in number of energy levels
    • Decrease in net ESF between valence electron and nucleus
    • Energy required to overcome ESF decreases, therefore ionisation energy decreases

Polar and Non-Polar Covalent Bonds

  • Electrons in a covalent bond are not always shared equally
  • Therefore, it relies on the electronegativity of the elements involved
  • Covalent bond that has an unequal sharing of electrons is called a polar covalent bond
  • Covalent bond that has an equal sharing of electrons is called a non-polar covalent bond
  • Example:

  • “δ±” is the dipole, so when it says “write a dipole across the polar bonds”, do this
  • Bonds with the greatest permanent dipole will have the greatest difference in their electronegativity(s)