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Most of these are mine, but I have stolen adapted some of Ajay’s notes. I’m not gonna tell you, you can guess.

  • 1 nanometer (nm) is equal to meters
  • Nanotechnology: study of how to produce and control very small structures, i.e. in the nano-scale
    • The nanoscale is anything between the size of 1 to 100 nano-metres


  • Nanoparticles are particles of matter in the size of the nanoscale
  • At least one dimension within the nanoscale
  • Nanoparticles have different chemical and physical properties to their bulk counterparts due to the massive surface area to volume ratio
  • E.g. gold is red as a nanoparticle

Manufacturing Nano-particles

  • Nanoparticles are manufactured either from top down or bottom up:
  • Top down is where larger particles are broken down into nanoparticles
  • Bottom up is where single atoms and molecules are assembled into larger nano-structures

Quantum Dots

  • Nanoparticles of dimension 2-10 nm made from compounds
  • Bulk material is white, and visible while protecting from ultraviolet radiation (UVR)
  • Absorbs all incident UV, but reflects all colours in the visible spectrum, therefore appears as white
  • Smaller, therefore exhibits quantum properties
    • It is smaller than the wavelength of light thus light passes through it, and it does not reflect light - thus it is transparent
  • However it still has UV deflecting capability due to quantum effects
  • Sunscreen
    • Made from compounds such as and
    • Quantum dots absorb all incident UVR due to quantum effects
    • Keeps us safe from UVR from sun
    • Appears white as it reflects all colours in the visible spectrum

Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)

  • Covalent structure of formation
  • Cylindrical molecule consisting of rolled-up sheets of single-layer carbon atoms (graphene)
  • Can be simple or multi-walled
  • Tubular
  • Mechanical tensile strength of up to 400 times that of steel
  • Light-weight: density is of steel
  • Good at conducting heat/electricity
  • Hollow
  • Resistant to corrosion
  • Chemically stable
  • Less than 100 nm in diameter
    • Can have a diameter of 1-2 nm

CNT Computers

  • Carbon nanotubes are electrically conductive
  • Stronger signals can be sent using far smaller transistors(semi-conductors) than is possible with silicon.
  • CNT computers use about a tenth as much power as comparable silicon systems
  • More sustainable

Silver Nano-particles

  • Nano-particles composed of silver
  • 1 - 100 nm
  • High conductivity,
  • Powerful signal capacity
  • Biocompatibility
  • Anti-bacterial properties
    • Also effective against various fungi, viruses, and algae


  • Nano-particles made of 2 or more different types of mater with significantly different properties
  • Final nano-material has properties different(or sometimes a combination) to the individual components of the composite
  • They are unique, as they exhibit properties that are different to (or sometimes a combination of) the individual components - they develop these due to quantum effects
  • For a composite to be considered a nano-composite, at least 1 composite must be nano-scaled


  • Nano-sized, radially symmetrical molecules
  • Good materials for the development of nanotechnologies because of their well-defined structure and properties

Imaging Nanoparticles:

  • Electron is aimed and fired at a surface, and rebounds back to a sensor
  • Time is calculated, and thus distance, as we know the velocity

TEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy

  • Uses an electron beam to image a nanoparticle sample using transmitted electrons
  • TEM can reveal details at the atomic scale by magnifying nanometre structures up to 50 million times
  • Doesn’t rely on light in the visible spectrum; produces higher resolution than light based imaging
  • Most desired method for imaging

SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy

  • Uses electron beams to magnify infinitesimal features
  • Electrons are deflected off object and then detected

STEM - Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy

  • Atomic scale resolution, better than SEM
  • Can cause sample damage

AFM - Atomic-force Microscopy

  • 3D characterisation of nanoparticles with sub-nanometre resolution
  • Can directly create images of nanoparticles with dimensions between 0.5 to 50+ nano-metres

Safety of Nanoparticles:

  • Nanoparticles can easily penetrate cell membranes and tissue
    • They could cause biochemical damage or even cancer
    • They can interact with biological systems
  • There are many potential dangers as nanoparticles can be highly reactive or catalytic due to their large surface area to volume ratio
  • People need to be careful when dealing with nanoparticles
    • They must wear correct equipment e.g. gloves
  • The long term effects of nanoparticles in sunscreens is currently unknown