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  • Organic Molecule: any molecule that contains carbon
  • Hydrocarbon: molecule containing only hydrogen and carbon
  • Saturated Hydrocarbon: hydrocarbon where there exist only single bonds between carbon atoms


  • Hydrocarbon with all single bonds
  • Thus, it is a saturated hydrocarbon

Chemical Properties of Alkanes

  • Not reactive
  • However, it will react with certain substances in certain conditions
  • Substitution reactions
    • Halogenation (reaction with halogen)
        • Not Hydrochloric acid
        • Hydrogen Chloride
    • Requires UV light to break C-H bond
    • Slow decolorisation occurs


  • Fuel burns in oxygen
  • Exothermic reaction
  • Complete combustion: there is an excess of
  • Incomplete combustion: there is a limited supply of