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  • Oxidation - Gain of oxygen, loss of hydrogen were original observations
  • OIL: Oxidation Is Loss of electrons
  • Gain in oxidation number


  • Loss of oxygen, gain of hydrogen were original observations
  • RIG: Reduction Is Gain of electrons
  • Reduction in oxidation number


  • Redox Reaction: reaction where a species is oxidised, and a species is reduced
  • Examples
    • Acid metal (metal displaced hydrogen)
    • Combustion
    • Metal displacement
    • Halogen Displacement
  • Oxidising agent/Oxidant
    • Causes something to be oxidised
    • Thus is reduced
  • Reducing agent/Reductant
    • Causes something to be reduced
    • Thus is oxidised

Norrie's rule: Clockwise tendency to spontaneity

Additionally, if the E˚Cell is positive, the reaction is spontaneous

Galvanic cells

  • Anode is negative
    • Site of oxidation
  • Cathode is positive
    • Site of reduction
  • Salt bridge: completes circuit and prevents buildup of charge

Read up on:

Lechlanche cell Lead-acid accumulator/battery Hydrogen Fuel Cell


  • Metals can react with
  • Read up on: Rusting of iron
  • Prevention
    • Scal
    • Alloy
    • Galvinisation
    • Sacrificial anode
    • Cathodic protection