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  • Transfer of molecules of solvent
  • From less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution
  • From higher water concentration to lower water concentration
  • Through semi-permeable (permits half of molecules to transfer from one side to another) membrane
  • Until the concentrations on both sides are equal


  • Process happens without expenditure of energy (passive process)
  • Solvent that undergoes osmosis can be liquid or gas

Osmosis vs Diffusion


  • Movement of particles from higher concentration to lower
  • No semi-permeable membrane
  • What entire solute is doing
  • E.g. Filling entire room with perfume when sprayed


  • Semi-permeable membrane
  • Movement of solvent particles from dilute solution to the concentrated solution
  • Movement of particles from lower concentration to higher concentration
  • What solvent is doing
  • Red blood cells flowing through water

First half of particles transferred is osmosis; if rest of particles are transferred without a semi-permeable membrane, it is diffusion

Types of Osmotic solutions

  • Isotonic: Same conc. of solution both inside and outside of the cell (cell volume stays the same) FLACCID
  • Hypertonic: Higher conc. of solution outside the cell than inside (cell volume decreases) PLASMOLYSED
  • Hypotonic: Higher conc. of solution inside the cell than outside (cell volume increases) TURGID

Endosmosis vs Exosmosis

  • Endosmosis
    • Inflow of solvent from outside to inside of cell
  • Exosmosis
    • Outward flow of water from cell when placed in more concentrated solution(cell shrinks)
    • Cell becomes plasmolysed