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So today, I had the opportunity to volunteer at the AWESOME Arts Festival, held at the Perth Cultural Center.

The AWESOME International Arts Festival for Bright Young Things, common abbreviated as the AWESOME Arts Festival, is hosted every year at the Perth Cultural Center. The Festival presents a variety of events including theatre, creative workshops, ballet, music, exhibitions and a large amount of free activities.

I volunteered during the morning shift, i.e., 9 am to 12:30 pm. My role was a Festival Assistants. This entailed working alongside professional artists, assisting with Creative Hubs, overseeing exhibitions and installations, and answering questions from the public.

My shift was at the Nylon Zoo over in the Yagan Square Amphitheatre. The Nylon Zoo was an attraction, consisting of a costume parade, and huge inflatable animals. Stories would be told inside the animals, after a costume parade.

I basically just helped with guiding people, and assisting with the activities. All of the attractions were made by an 87 year-old woman named Evelyn Ross. They were unique and amazing. The storytellers were a group of people from Adelaide, led by a man named Greg.

Greg had come over with his family to help with the festival, and was an easygoing man, who was happy to assist people. He had a sort of delightful aura around him, that suggested that he loved to help people.

Over the course of the day, I got to experience what volunteering actually is. It felt nice just to help people, with the reward being the satisfaction that you got to help someone. And I think that’s really important, especially with the current state of the world. We all need to help each other.

I myself asked Greg for some advice on my future. I didn’t know whether to travel abroad or overseas. And he did something that helped me a ton.

He pointed at his heart and said, “Follow this one.”

And I’ll live by those words.

Because if your heart doesn’t know, what does?