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  • Energy: capacity to do work
  • Work: exertion of force overcoming resistance or producing molecular change
  • Exothermic reaction gives out heat
  • Endothermic reaction absorbs heat

Direct + Indirect uses of Energy


  • Burning petrol to power a car
  • Burn car to power a steam train
  • Burn natural gas to use a stove to cook eggs Indirect
  • Takes energy to process crude oil to separate petrol. Then consumers use the petrol to power the car
  • Burning coal to spin turbines to generate electricity to charge a laptop. Consumers use the energy stored in the laptop
  • Truck bringing of diesel to transport eggs to consumers

Greenhouse Effect

  • Complete combustion: reacts with air to produce carbon dioxide and water
  • Incomplete combustion: reacts with air to produce carbon monoxide and water, or carbon and water

With the burning of fossil fuels, we put a lot of carbon dioxide into the air. 

Cause + Effect enhanced

  1. Extra burning of fossil fuels
  2. Enhanced greenhouse effect
  3. Average global temperatures rise
  4. Ice melting and sea level rises

  • Some sunlight is absorbed by greenhouse gases. However, the kinetic energy formed by the greenhouse gasses moving and the absorbed sunlight, heats up the earth


  • Combustion: substance burns in the presence of oxygen
    • Reaction between a substance and oxygen that releases heat and light energy
  • Fuel: substance that reacts with oxygen (combusts) to produce useful energy
  • Many fractions obtained from crude oil are used as fuels because they contain hydrocarbons that burn easily and release a large amount of useful energy
  • Complete combustion: lots of oxygen present
    • Hydrocarbon + oxygen —> Carbon dioxide + water + energy
  • If there is a shortage of air(oxygen), incomplete combustion takes place
  • Incomplete combustion: limited oxygen present
    • Hydrocarbon + oxygen —> Carbon dioxide + water + energy
    • Still yields carbon dioxide and water
    • However, it produces toxic by-products, in CO and C
    • Also releases less energy than complete oxygen
    • Carbon monoxide is poisonous because it reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen, and reduces the ability of blood to expel carbon dioxide

Balancing equations: Combustion

  1. Balance C
  2. Balance H
  3. If oxygen is an odd number, times everything by 2

Heat of combustion is used to refer to the amount of heat released during a combustion reaction

  • Involves combustion of a measured mass of alcohol to heat a measured mass of water over a measured temperature rise
  • It is assumed that the total heat released by the combustion reaction will be absorbed by the water

The heat of combustion can be calculated with:

  • ∆H: change in enthalpy (j)
  • m: mass of heated substance (g)
  • c: specific heat capacity of heated substance (˚C)
  • ∆T: change in temperature of heated substance

Energy in Chemical Change

Understanding Energy

  • Energy: capacity to do work
  • Measured in Joules
  • Can be transferred or transformed
  • Can therefore come in different forms
    • Potential energy
    • Chemical energy
    • Nuclear energy
    • Mechanical energy
    • Elastic energy
    • Gravitational energy
    • Kinetic energy
    • Heat energy
    • Light energy
    • Electrical energy
    • Sound energy
  • Enthalpy: changes taking place in a chemical reaction
  • Total energy present in a reaction
  • △H = H(products) - H(reactants)
  • H: enthalpy
  • △H: change in enthalpy

2 prefixes: system and surroundings

System: the area in which the chemical reaction happens

Surroundings: Contents outside the system that energy is transferred to/from

2 types of reactions

Exothermic reactions: transfers energy from system to surroundings

  • Energy is released
  • Bonds are broken
  • Heat is transferred/released from system to surroundings

Endothermic reactions: transfers energy from surroundings to system

  • Heat is transferred/absorbed from surroundings to system

Energy is stored in chemical bonds, known as chemical potential energy, or bond energy

Exothermic reactions have a negative value for △H, meaning enthalpy has decreased for the duration of the reaction

  • Happens if chemical potential energy is converted to particle kinetic energy, e.g. increase in temperature
  • Overall chemical potential energy is conserved in the form of heat
  • However, this raises the system’s temperature, so heat flows away from the system to the surroundings
  • The loss of heat energy from the system to the surroundings means that enthalpy has decreased

Endothermic reactions have a positive value for △H, meaning enthalpy has increased for the duration of the reaction 

  • Particle kinetic energy is converted to chemical potential energy
  • Reduction of particle kinetic energy means reacting system’s temperature will fall
  • Heat flows from the surroundings to the system, increasing enthalpy

Representing Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

  • Enthalpy change can be shown graphically using an energy profile graph, or it can be written along with the equation 
  • Sometimes the heat absorbed or released during the reaction is written into the equation, rather than giving the enthalpy change
  • When a catalyst is used, less energy is needed for a reaction to occur
  • Activation energy: amount of energy required to start/sustain reaction
  • catalyst: substance that lowers activation energy of the reaction, and is not consumed during the reaction