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  • Electrons are arranged in energy levels or shells

  • n is the principal quantum number or shell number

  • The maximum number of electrons in each shell is:

  • Shells are divided into sub shells

    • S: Holds maximum of 2 electrons
    • P: Holds maximum of 6 electrons
    • D: Holds maximum of 10 electrons
    • F: Holds maximum of 14 electrons
Principle Quantum ShellSub-shellsTotal Number of Electrons
n=22s, 2p8
n=33s, 3p, 3d18
n=44s, 4p, 4d, 4f32

Order of filling of sub-shells

  • Rule for fulling sub-shells with electrons is to start with the lowest energy available sub-shell
  • The sub-shells can be seen below in increasing order of energy

  • Orbital: region around the nucleus of an atom that can hold up to 2 electrons with opposite spins
    • Area of space which has a high probability of an electron existing in that area. Up to 2 electrons can exist there, each with an opposite spin
PInfinity Symbol

  • Each orbital holds up to 2 electrons regardless of whether it is an “s”, a “p” or a “d” orbital
  • Electrons have opposite spin to prevent repulsion
  • The number of occupied energy shells is equal to the period number
  • Outermost electron in “x” sub-shell is part of the “x” block, x being an unknown variable

3: Principle Quantum Number/Principle Sub-shell

s: sub-shell name

1: number of electrons in energy shell