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  • A measure of the likelihood of an event occurring
  • is the probability of A occurring
  • Theoretical Probability: theory probability, e.g. 50% chance of getting a tails in a coin flip
  • Experimental Probability: Probability from results, e.g. from the results, you might only get a tails 48 times out of 100. See relative frequency.

Set Notation

ASet of elements in A
UUniversal set - all elements in consideration
A’ or Complement of A - Elements not in A
ABIntersection of A and B - elements in both A and B
ABUnion of A and B - elements in A or B (or both)
n(A)Number of elements in A
Empty set
  • n(A) can also be written as |A|


  • P(B|A) is the probability of B given A has occurred
  • Relative frequency of A:
  • Independence Test; An event is independent if:
  • Mutually Exclusive Events: 2 events are mutually exclusive (can’t occur at the same time) if: P(A\cup B)=P(A)+P(B)$$$$P(A \cap B)=0
  • Multiplication Rule:
  • Addition Rule