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  • Electric field: region of space around an object that has the property of charge in which another object that also has charge experiences a repulsive or attractive force, that extends to infinity, and weakens over time, as per the inverse square law
  • 2 types of charge
    • Positive
    • Negative
  • 3 states of charge
    • Positive
    • Negative
    • Neutral
  • Some particles have only 1 state of charge
    • Protons are always positive
    • Neutrons/neutrinos are always neutral
    • Quarks are always charged
    • Electrons are always negative
  • Neutral objects are made of negative and positive components

Electric field diagrams

  • Charge is assumed to be uniform
  • Uniform distribution
Field line rules
  1. They’re arrows, not lines
  2. For point charges, field density is uniform, thus lines must be evenly distributed around surface
  3. Field lines start/end at the surface
  4. Field lines should start/finish perpendicular to surface
  5. Number of field lines indicates field density
  6. Minimum of 4 lines recommended (not required)
  7. Direction of field lines are determined by hypothetical test charge
  8. Field lines cannot touch or cross

  • Electronic constant for a vacuum or air =