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  • Excretion: Removal of wastes produced by metabolism
  • Elimination: removal of undigested materials from body

Types of metabolic waste produced by systems

  • Digestive waste
  • Respiratory waste
  • Nitrogenous waste
  • Excess water and salts


  • Removal of wastes produced by metabolism
  • Main organs are lungs, sweat glands, alimentary canal and kidneys
OrgansSubstances Removed
LungsCarbon Dioxide
Sweat glandsWater, Salt & Urea
Alimentary CanalWater & Bile pigments
KidneysWater, Salt & Urea
  • Every day, kidney filters litres (around 150 L) of fluid from bloodstream
  • Lungs and skin also play roles in excretion
  • Kidneys bear major responsibility for eliminating nitrogenous (contains nitrogen) wastes, toxins and drugs from the body

Function of Kidney

  • Excretes most of waste products of metabolism
  • Maintains acid-base balance of blood
  • Produces Erythropoietin hormone, which stimulates bone marrow for RBC’s formation
  • Converts vitamin D to its active form
  • Produces Rennin enzyme, which regulates blood pressure
  • Controls water and electrolyte balance of body

Urinary System Anatomy

  • Left and right kidney
    • Filters blood to remove wastes and produces urine
    • Removes water, salt, urea and digested food molecules food molecules, and purifies blood
  • Aorta
    • Connected to renal artery
    • Takes blood to kidney
  • Inferior Vena Cava
    • Takes blood out of kidney
  • Renal Arteries
    • Transport unfiltered blood into kidney
  • Renal Veins
    • Connected to Vena Cava, takes filtered blood out of kidney
  • Ureters
    • Carries urine from kidney into bladder
  • Urethra
    • Carries urine out of bladder to outside of body
  • Bladder
    • Temporary storage of urine
    • Contracts to “squeeze” urine out of body

Basic Kidney Structure

  • 3 main structural/functional areas
  • Cortex (outside)
    • Where filtration occurs
  • Medulla (middle)
    • Where useful substances are reabsorbed
  • Pelvis (inside)
    • Where urine collects before travelling down to bladder

Detailed kidney structure

In addition to the 3 functional areas, kidneys also have

  • Outer capsule (skin)
  • Renal pyramids within medulla
  • Calyces (Calyx) within pelvis
  • Hilum (small indentation) where tubes enter
  • Ureter
    • Transports urine to bladder
  • Renal artery and vein
    • Transports blood

How does a kidney work?

  • Blood passes through kidney 20-25 times a day
  • Filter 180 L of blood a day
  • Blood enters kidney through arteries which branch until they form tiny vessels
  • Vessels entwine with special internal modules called nephrons
  • 1 million nephrons in a kidney, form powerful filters, and sift through blood
  • Nephrons filter blood using glomerulus and tubule
  • Glomerulus 
    • Blob-like structure
    • Only allows certain minerals and vitamins to pass into tubule
  • Tubule
    • Long, stringy, straw-like
  • Tubule detects whether minerals/vitamins are needed in body
    • If they are, they are reabsorbed
  • Tubule senses compound body doesn’t need, e.g. urea, left over from breaking down proteins
    •  Redirects it as urine
    • Out of kidney, and through ureter
  • Ureter empties urine into bladder
  • If kidney detects excess water, it directs it into bladder
  • Waste and Hydrogen ions are secreted in the tubule, and converted into urine


  • Urinary system removes urine
  • Skin sweat diffuses from blood (salt, urea and water diffuse into sweat glands)
  • Lungs release carbon dioxide
  • Liver removes amino acids