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Cartesian forms

Factorisation of Polynomials

  • A polynomial function is a sum of multiples of powers of a variable
  • E.g.
  • Degree/order of a polynomial is used to refer to the highest power of any variable in the polynomial
  • The degree/order of the polynomial above is 7, because 7 is the highest power
  • Usually, you write polynomials in order of decreasing power
    • This is not set in stone, there are multiple ways to do it

What this topic is about

  • We already know the following about quadratic polynomials
  • If a quadratic equation , has solutions and , the LHS admits a factorisation -
    • i.e. solutions correspond to linear factors of the polynomial
  • This chapter extends this idea to higher degree polynomials

Arithmetic with polynomials

  • Polynomials can be added or subtracted by combining like terms and simplifying
  • Polynomials can be multiplied using the distributive law
    • e.g.
  • Polynomials can be divided using polynomial division

Division with integers

  • Consider a positive integer , e.g. 100, and a strictly smaller positive integer , e.g. 23
  • 100 is not divisible by 23, so there is a remainder when 100 is divided by 23
  • Thus,
    • must be the quotient
    • must always be smaller than the number
  • When a polynomial is divided by a polynomial , the degree of the remainder will be strictly smaller than the degree of

Important Fact!

When a polynomial is divided by a polynomial , the degree of the remainder will be strictly smaller than the degree of

Thus, , where is the quotient


  • Compare with numerical division: when 100 is divided by 23, the remainder is 8, which is smaller than 23, and
  • Thus,
  • True algebraic fraction
    • Numerator has a lower degree than denominator
  • Improper algebraic fraction
    • Numerator has a higher degree than denominator
  • In certain later topics (i.e. using partial fractions for integration), it will be necessary to rewrite improper algebraic fractions in terms of proper ones
  • If and are polynomials then
    • I.e. for any polynomials and , either is a factor of or there is a polynomial multiple of that differs from by a constant

The Remainder Theorem and the Factor Theorem

  • Remember, if and are polynomials then

Remainder theorem:

for a polynomial and a number , the remainder when is divided by is

  • Proof
    • Let be the remainder when is divided by
    • Thus, for some polynomial
    • Hence, , as required

Factor Theorem

For a polynomial , is a factor of if and only if

  • Proof 1
    • Suppose is a factor of
    • Then the remainder when is divided by is 0
    • Thus, by the remainder theorem,
  • Proof 2
    • Conversely, suppose that
    • Then the remainder when is divided by is 0
    • Hence, is a factor of

Other stuff which is really useful to know (but not required in course content)

Theorem (the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra)

  • Every real (real coefficients) polynomial equation of degree has exactly solutions (some of which may be repeated or complex)
  • Every real polynomial of degree can be factorised as a product of linear factors where the are the zeroes of

Theorem (IMPORTANT!)

  • If is a complex solution to a polynomial equation (with real coefficients), then so is
  • Thus, complex solutions always come in conjugate pairs, so the total number of complex solutions (with non-zero imaginary part) is always even
  • It also means that the total number of linear factors involving complex numbers is even
  • Thus, any real polynomial of odd degree with have at least 1 real solution
  • Odd degree: starts up/down and finishes down/up
  • Even degree: starts up/down and finishes up/down

Theorem (Multiplicity of factors)

  • Suppose that is a factor of . Then
    • If is odd, the graph of cross the x-axis at
    • If is even, the graph of ‘touches’ but does not cross the x-axis at

Polar Form of Complex numbers

  • An exam question says

  • The symbol could be

  • Addition and subtraction in this form are much easier than multiplication and division

  • Polar form is most natural form for multiplying/dividing complex numbers, or raising powers to complex numbers

  • Multiplying by rotates the point 90˚ anticlockwise about the origin on the Argand plane

  • When multiplying by a complex number , the things determining the corresponding geometric transformation are

    • the distance from the origin (the magnitude/modulus)
    • the angle from the positive real axis (the argument)
  • How to rewrite so that and are explicit

  • where is the magnitude/modulus of , i.e. the distance from the origin
  • is the principal argument (angle between the vector for and the real axis) and

Complex Conjugates in polar form

Recall for a complex number,

The complex conjugate is

Then, if ,

Multiplication of Complex Numbers


LHS = r_{1} \text{ cis } \alpha \times r_{2 } \text{ cis } \beta \\ \\ = r_{1 } r_{2} [(\cos \beta + i \sin \beta)(\cos \alpha + i \sin \alpha )] \\ \\ = r_{1} r_{2}( \cos \alpha \cos \beta + i \cos \alpha \sin \beta + i \sin \alpha + \cos \beta + i^2 \sin \alpha \sin \beta) \\ \\ = r_{1} r_{2 } (\cos \alpha \cos \beta - \sin \alpha \sin \beta + i (\sin \alpha \cos \beta + \cos \alpha \sin \beta)) \\ \\ = r_{1} r_{2}[(\cos \alpha + \beta) + i \sin (\alpha + \beta)] \\ \\ = r_{1} r_{2} \text{ cis } (\alpha + \beta) \end{align}

Division of Complex Numbers

Regions in the Complex Plane

Set Notation

Analogue with real numbers:

i.e. all values of x such that those conditions are true

for complex numbers:

  • circle centred at the origin, radius of 4
  • some people call this the locus of

  • Just shade the interior of the circle to show that the numbers inside the circle are also included

  • Show the circumference as a dotted line
  • Shade the interior of the circle to show that the numbers inside the circle are also included


  • Make a line where the argument is radians
  • Circle the origin, because is excluded from the set because its argument is undefined

Sometimes the region represented by a set isn’t obvious

  • One possible strategy: think of coordinate geometry, i.e. represent this image as x and y coordinates then rearrange units until it is in a suitable plot-able form
  • Alternatively, observe that is the distance between the complex numbers and

th roots of 1

In the real world: etc etc, alternating

However, has 4 solutions (1, -1, i, -i)

Consider which has just 1 real solution

We can solve using polynomial techniques, i.e. rewrite as and factorise LHS

Using quadratic formula:

Theorem: including complex numbers, there are solutions of 1. They have modulus 1 and are spaced at angular intervals of

More general theorem

Given a non-zero complex number , the total number of th roots of (including complex roots) is

The roots al have the same modulus, and are spaced at angular intervals of , i.e. form the vertices of a regular n-gon

De Moirves Theorem

Recall that in polar form:

Theorem: For any integer and complex number