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"In all chaos there is a cosmos. In all disorder a secret order." - Carl Gustav Jung

Is there really a meaning?

It seems that in every cosmos, there is nothing but chaos.

In every order, there is nothing but disorder.

The universe is ever changing.

There is nothing but chaos, nothing but disorder, nothing but a seemingly random progression of events that occur.





And yet.

Here we are.

Just an insignificant speck of dust in the immense vastness of the ever-expanding universe.

But even so. Those insignificant specks of dust have the ability to create everlasting moments in one’s memory.

Our lives are nothing to something as ancient as space-time.

But we still live them. We still find meaning, every day.

We strive forward for a better tomorrow, and hope to change the world for the better.

Or at least, some of us do. Granted, there are some bad people in the world.

But we still try to make it better.

Chaos. Disorder. Those are ever present in the cycle of the universe. Always appearing. Somehow, always existent.

So why is there a cosmos?

Why is there an order?

We, as humans, try to find meaning.

We create memories to remember everything.

Memories that shape us.

Memories that change us.

Memories that make us who we are.

Memories that are precious to us, that we could not bear living without.

And yet.

When we fade away. Into the dust of the chaotic cosmos. They all disappear. They are forgotten.

But they still happened.

We still experienced them. Moments that may have seemed meaningless to bystanders, were nothing but precious to us.

And thus order exists within disorder.

Because, within this chaos, we still exist. We try to be better.

We live. We laugh. We love.

We create memories that are meaningful to no-one but us.

We feel that all of our memories are not random, not chaotic, but something we make. Something we curate.

Someone once said that we are made from nothing but the dust of the universe. Funny how that works.

When you think about it, we’re made of the same things as stars.

Disorder. Order. Both of those are rampant throughout our universe.

Intricate patterns exist within molecules, within atoms, within our very DNA.

Just like how we try to find these patterns.

Maybe that is what it means to exist.

To not only find, but understand the order within the disorder.

To understand the cosmos within the chaos.