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Cell Requirements

  • To enable normal functioning all cells in the human body need to be in a relatively stable environment
  • Some like brain and retinal cells are very susceptible to even slight variations in glucose, oxygen and temperature
  • Other cells such as skin cells are able to cope with a much wider range of conditions e.g. temperature
  • One of the ‘roles’ of the body systems is to maintain a continual supply of the materials needed and a continued removal of waste materials
  • Body systems work together to make sure that the cellular environment is kept constant
  • Called homeostasis
  • Systems operate in such a way that if a particular factor becomes too high or too low they will function to return the factor to its best or optimal level

Cell Membrane Structure

  • Composed mainly of lipids and proteins
  • Arranged into 2 layers that make up the single membrane
  • Called a bilayer
  • Substances and molecules move through the membrane in different ways
  • How they are moved depends on their size and if they are organic or inorganic
  • Very small molecules e.g. oxygen can pass through the small gaps between the lipids
  • Fat soluble such as alcohol and steroid hormones can diffuse across the membrane by ‘dissolving’ into the lipid (fat)
  • Proteins are embedded through the membrane and they carry out most of the functions of the membrane
  • Divided into 2 types
    • Integral proteins bridge the 2 sides of the membranes
    • Peripheral proteins embedded in the outside of the membrane

Transport Across the Cell Membrane

  • Cell membranes are described as being differentially permeable
  • Allow some ions and molecules to pass through
  • Restrict movement of others, usually based on size
  • Differentially permeable membranes are also known as semi-permeable or selectively permeable membranes

Passive and Active Processes

  • Materials may pass through cell membrane in a number of different ways
  • Some transfer mechanisms are passive processes which means there is no requirement to spend energy
  • Passive processes will occur in both living and dead cells and are almost impossible to prevent
    • Diffusion
    • Osmosis
    • Facilitated Diffusion
  • Active processes require the cell’s energy for the transfer to occur. It only occurs in living cells
    • Cytosis
    • Active Transport


  • Movement of molecules from area of high concentration to area of low concentration
  • Only occurs when there is a difference in concentration between 2 areas (concentration gradient)
  • Passive Process
  • Occur in almost any circumstance where cells can move, it does not need a cell membrane