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  • Solute: Substance can be dissolved
  • Residue: Substance that cannot be dissolved

Ion-dipole forces

  • Electrostatic force of attraction between an ion and a polar molecule
  • Formed from the electrostatic force of attraction between an ion and a dipole
  • Note: “Intermolecular force” is a misnomer, as this is in ionic substances, not covalent substances
  • Stronger than permanent dipole-dipole and dispersion forces
  • Ion – dipole forces form between ions of an ionic compound and molecules of water. We say the ions are hydrated.
  • If the ion – dipole forces formed between ions and water are strong enough, they can pull ions off the surface of an ionic lattice, and the ionic substance is soluble.
  • Not all ionic substances dissolve. In insoluble substances, the ionic bonding is too strong, and the ion – dipole bonds formed are not strong enough to break up the ionic lattice.


Soluble or Insoluble?

  • Solutions form when solvent and solute mix
  • Process involves breaking bonds/attraction in these individual substances, which is endothermic, thus it requires energy
  • In the solution, attractions form between the solvent and solute, and this bond formation is exothermic, releasing energy
  • Whether the solution forms overall depends on whether the overall process is energetically favourable
    • i.e. if the amount of energy released from forming solute-solvent bonds is greater than the amount of energy breaking solute-solute and solvent-solvent bonds
  • Dissolving can be exothermic or endothermic, but if too much energy is required, it won’t happen
  • Like dissolves like (do not use this phrase)
    • If the solvent and solute are able to form good intermolecular bonds with each other, this will favour dissolving
    • Polar solvents and polar solutes can form dipole-dipole interaction (and sometimes H-bonds), which favours dissolving
    • Non-polar substances cannot form dipole-dipole interactions or h-bonds, so won’t mix with polar substances
    • Non-polar solutes dissolve well in non-polar solvents. All substances form only dispersion forces, meaning no strong bonds are broken
When a solute is soluble in a specific solventWhen a solute is insoluble in a specific solvent
The intermolecular forces between the solvent and solute are stronger than the intermolecular forces present between the solvent’s atoms, and the solute’s atomsThe intermolecular forces between the solvent & solute are weaker than the intermolecular forces present between the solvent & solvent and between the solutes
This means the difference between the energy released in the formation of the intermolecular forces between the solvent & solute and the energy required to break the solute – solute and solvent – solvent intermolecular forces decreasesThis means the difference between the energy released in the formation of the intermolecular forces between the solvent & solute and the energy required to break the solute – solute and solvent – solvent intermolecular forces is large
Thus the solvent – solvent and solute – solute IMF are able to be disrupted and the solute – solvent IMF are able to be established as this process is energetically favorableThus the solvent – solvent and solute – solute IMF are not able to be disrupted as this process is energetically unfavorable and so the solute does not dissolve.

Water - The Universal Solvent

  • As a highly polar molecule, water is great at dissolving polar molecule substances and many ionic substances
  • Water can form a range of intermolecular forces to stabilise a solution
    • Dipole-dipole forces with polar molecules
    • Hydrogen bonds with hydrogen bonding polar molecules
    • Ion-dipole forces with ions from ionic compounds

Aqueous Solutions of Covalent Compounds

  • Many polar molecules are soluble in water due to the strong dipole-dipole forces or hydrogen bonds formed
  • Organic compounds are usually non-polar, but if they have –OH (alcohol) or –NH (amine) groups, they can hydrogen bond, so this will increase their solubility in water
  • Acids are molecular substances that ionise in water to form ions. This means they can form ion – dipole forces with water, and so are usually very soluble

Solubility of ionic substances

  • All ionic substances are soluble to some extent, so we categorise substances by the concentration of a saturated solution at 25˚ C. 
  • A substance is described as soluble if a saturated solution is 0.1 mol L-1 or higher.
  • A substance is described as slightly soluble if a saturated solution is 0.01 mol to 0.1 mol
  • A substance is described as insoluble if a saturated solution is below 0.01 mol L-1.


Precipitation Reactions

  • An insoluble solid that forms during an aqueous reaction is called a precipitate.
  • A reaction which forms a precipitate is called a precipitation reaction
  • The limewater test for carbon dioxide is a precipitation reaction
    • Limewater is actually a dilute solution of calcium hydroxide
    • The calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate, which is insoluble in water

Uses of Precipitation Reactions

  • Most precipitation reactions are very fast reactions that occur between ions.
  • This makes them very useful for identifying specific ions based on the type of precipitate formed.
  • Precipitation reactions have a number of other uses:
    • Production of coloured pigments for paints and dyes
    • Removal of toxic chemicals from water
    • Separation of reaction products.

Spectator Ions

  • In ionic precipitation reactions there are often ions that are not involved in the reaction. These are known as spectator ions.
  • The spectator ions are easily identified using the ionic equation, where they are the ions that don’t change their state of matter, or don’t participate in the reaction
  • You should always write net ionic equations, omitting spectator ions, in this course.

Identifying Positive Ions

  • Many metal ions can be identified by flame tests
  • However, precipitation reactions can also be used to identify positive ions, as many metals form hydroxide precipitates with characteristic colours

Identifying negative ions: Halides

  • Formed from group 17 elements, the halogens
  • Detected using silver nitrate solutions
  • Colourless ions in a solution
  • The different silver halide precipitates can be distinguished by their differing colours
    • Chloride: white AgCl precipitate
    • Bromide: cream AgBr precipitate
    • Iodide: yellow AgI precipitate

Isolating the Precipitate

  • Precipitate from a precipitation reaction can be separated from the reaction mixture by filtration
  • A Buchner funnel and flask can be used to accelerate the process
    • This apparatus uses a vacuum pump to draw the mixture through the filter
    • The filtrate is finally washed and dried

More Solubility


  • Concentration of a saturated solution
  • Saturated: Solution where no more solute will dissolve at the given temperature
  • Unsaturated: Less solute than needed to make a saturated solution. Most solutions we use will be unsaturated
  • Supersaturated: Unstable solution, usually formed as a saturated solution curves down. If it is disturbed, it will crystallise, forming crystals of solute, and leave a saturated solution
  • Solubility: Mass of a substance that will dissolve in 100 g of water at 25˚ C
    • Measured in g/100g
  • The solubility of a substance depends on the temperature of the solvent

Solubility Curves

  • Solubility curves show the solubility of substances as temperature changes
  • Generally, the solubility of ionic solids increases with temperature
    • There is more energy to overcome bonding in the solid

Saturation and Crystallisation

  • Solutions become supersaturated when they contain more solute than they would normally be able to dissolve
  • This can happen when a saturated solution is cooled, or another change in conditions occurs that causes solubility to decrease
  • The solute will stay in solution until a ‘seed’ crystal is added.
  • This causes it to crystallise out of the solution very quickly.
  • When it does this, it gives out heat energy.

Solubility of Gases

  • Many gases are soluble in water.
    • For example, fish can breathe because of the oxygen dissolved in water.
  • Solubility of gases in water is often low, as most gases are not very polar. More polar gases are more soluble, in general.
  • As temperature increases, solubility of gases decreases
    • This is because the gases have more kinetic energy, which increases motion and breaks the IMF between the gases and the solvent, causing them to escape the solution