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  • Biofuels: fuels made using living organisms or the wastes they produce
  • This includes:
    • Biogas: produced from the breakdown of organic material
    • Ethanol: produced by the fermentation of sugar from plant material
  • Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels provide a renewable source of energy
  • They are also thought to have less of an impact on the environment than fossil fuels


  • Biogas is a gas produced by the anaerobic fermentation of organic waste containing carbohydrates by bacteria
    • Contains:
      • 40%-70% methane
      • Carbon dioxide
      • Traces of hydrogen, nitrogen, and hydrogen sulphide
  • Biogas is currently used in several ways, including in the production of electricity, heating water for central heating systems, and as fuel for buses
  • The production of biogas can be ideal in remote areas lacking mains electricity or sewage systems
  • It not only produces a useful fuel, but can also be used to get ride of large quantities of sewage or other organic waste material
  • On a small scale, biogas digesters can be used to provide energy for individual families or farms
  • In parts of rural India, cow dung is used to produce biogas for cooking


  • Ethanol produced by the anaerobic fermentation of glucose by yeast is used to make fuels such as gasohol
  • It is successfully used as a fuel for cars in Brazil and the USA
  • Brazil produces ethanol from sugar cane, whereas the USA uses maize (corn)
  • Ethanol is produced by carrying out the following steps
    1. Glucose is obtained from either:
      1. Maize starch broken down into glucose by the action of carbohydrase enzymes
      2. Sugar cane juices
    2. Yeast are added to the glucose, they respire anaerobically, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide
    3. Once fermentation is complete, pure ethanol is obtained by distilling the mixture

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  • Biofuels are thought to produce lower greenhouse gas emissions and particulates than conventional transport fuels
  • Biomass is a renewable source of energy, thus biofuels are a more sustainable form of energy as it will not run out
  • Using biofuels instead of fossil fuels can also help to conserve the world’s non-renewable fuel resources
  • Biofuels can also be cheaper to use for drivers, as governments often introduce schemes to encourage people to reduce their emissions
  • Carbon neutral: no net release of carbon dioxide
  • Biofuels are not completely carbon neutral because energy is used in the production and transportation of the biofuel
  • This energy is often provided by fossil fuels
  • There are also concerns that the
    • The what?
      • apples?
      • bananas?
      • yeah i have no idea
      • Probably something about how less energy is produced in the combustion of biofuels than fossil fuels
      • Maybe also that arable land is taken up to produce biofuels, and thus the amount of food that can be produced is decreased