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Narrative conventions:

Characterisation (SAAO)

Setting (physical, context)

Point of View

  • 1st person
    • I, me
  • 2nd person
    • You, we, us
    • E.g., choose your own adventure books
  • 3rd person
    • They, them, him, her
    • Omniscient
      • In more than 1 person’s consciousness, e.g., switching consciousnesses
    • Limited
      • Only in 1 person’s consciousness, e.g., only protagonist’s perspective

Plot (internal/external conflict, structure)


Language techniques

Tone (achieved through syntax, diction and punctuation).

Style (formal, conversational, factual, lyrical).

Emotive language

Descriptive language -        Describing things, e.g. warm fire, etc

Connotative language -        Associated things with described object (implications) -        E.g., warmth and safety for home

Figurative language

  • Metaphors
  • Similes
  • Personification
  • Hyperbole





Characterisation Characterisation is important to analyse in a text as it reveals a lot about the message of the text. The characters are usually the vessel by which the author tells the story. Are the characters typical of a genre? Do they fit a certain archetype? Are some characters good and some evil?
Remember, it’s how you perceive the character.

Setting An understanding of setting will assist you with all different types of narrative texts. In certain genres such as wester and horror, the setting is very fundamental. However, no matter the text, the setting is going to play a key role.

Plot (Structure) How has the text been structured? Is there a flashback? Does it loop? The structure of the text is important in identifying how the author wants you as a reader to uncover his message. This is highly important in short stories, also.

Syntax Syntax is the way that words and phrases are put together in a sentence. Sometimes authors will adhere to syntax and sometimes they will play around with the syntax, which is just as significant. Take a look at the syntax and try to understand what is going on with the author’s writing.

Tone The tone of a novel or story is a big determinant in the message of the narrative. It is important to identify tone, whether it be serious or sarcastic.
Identify adjectives and try to find the mood/tone it creates.

Style What style has been employed to write this narrative? This will require you understanding the key terminology surrounding style.
How the story is written.

Dialogue Dialogue is anytime that someone speaks within your narrative. It can be very telling about a number of things and can reveal things about your characters, in a different way to your narrator.

Emotive language The use of emotive language is very significant is it positions the reader to “feel” what the author wants them to. This is important when talking about serious issues.

Point of view First-person, second person, third person limited and third-person omniscient are all different methods of an author telling a story. Each of these is significant in their own right.

Statistics Data on a subject, e.g., number of unemployed people

Expert opinion A professional giving an opinion on a subject they have studied

Metaphors A metaphor is a useful language tool that compares two things that have nothing in common. E.g. Lost in a sea of nameless faces.

Similes A simile is when something is said to be like something else. E.g. Her smile was as bright as a sun.

Personification Personification is when an inanimate object is assigned with a human-like quality. E.g., The daffodils danced in the breeze.

Hyperbole This is an exaggeration of the fact. E.g., She was so hungry she could have eaten a horse

Imagery A great author can conjure up pictures in your mind through the use of imagery. This is a very descriptive language that paints a visual picture.

Allusion An allusion is a reference to something else. E.g., Bec was the Trojan horse to Marta’s social group. Think “Easter Eggs”

Symbolism Symbolism can be anything from a dagger to colour and usually has a hidden meaning.
Something that represents something else. E.g., dark background symbolises unknown, mystery

A mocking representation of something, e.g., making fun of something

Diction Diction is the choice and use of words in the writing and can be highly significant. Look for unusual word choices and anything that seems significant and what those particular words connote.

Repetition When words or ideas are repeated in a text, it usually means that the author is trying to point your attention to that thing.

Oxymoron Figure of speech that has 2 contradicting terms, e.g., terribly good

Irony A technique of indicating, as through character or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that which is actually or ostensibly stated.

Dramatic Irony Irony that is inherent in speeches or a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grasped by the characters in the play.

Foreshadowing An indication of something that will happen in the future, often used as a literary device to hint at or allude to future plot developments: