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  • Liquid, gas, solid

Kinetic theory

  • All particles are in constant motion


  • Particles are close together
  • Strong attraction between particles
  • Hold their shape
  • Cannot be compressed
  • Vibrate in place, the vibrations will increase with temperature


  • There is still attraction between particles
  • Particles packed tightly together
  • Cannot compress or squeeze
  • Take the shape of their container
  • Not stuck rigidly
  • More moving freely
  • As temperature increases, the particles get faster


  • Particles are far apart
  • There is very little/to no attraction between particles
  • Expands with heat
  • Can compress
  • Particles move in a straight line until they hit another particle or the sides of their container

All forms of matter are made up of tiny(smaller than cells) particles that:

  • Cannot be squashed or compressed
  • Attracted to each other
  • Are constantly moving

Expansion, pressure and contraction

  • As particles (solid or liquid) heat up, they move farther apart so the particles expand and take more space
  • If gas is inside a container, it will cause the particles to move faster, hit the container more and therefore increase the pressure. This is when temperature increases.

Changing from states of matter

  • As temperature increases, particles move faster and farther apart
  • There is enough energy for the particles to move because of the heat.
  • Melting and freezing(particles in a solid will eventually lose shape because they are moving too fast)
  • Evaporation and Condensation(Particles are moving so fast that they escape the liquid state)

Chemical and Physical changes

  • Reversible change: temporary change
  • Irreversible change: permanent change
  • During a chemical change, a new substance/substances has to be formed. This is an irreversible change.
  • The starting substances used in a reaction are reactants.
  • The new substances formed in a reaction are products
  • We show reactions with an arrow. The arrow means “change into”.
  • Difficult to reverse a chemical reaction and change the products back into the reactants.
  • Many reactions need energy to get them started
  • Some reactions give out heat energy once the reaction has started.
  • Heat energy being given out is one sign of a chemical reaction
  • Particles are in constant movement
  • During a physical change, the substance is still the same, but its state of matter changes. This is a reversible change
  • Physical Change
    • Change in size, state, shape or appearance of matter
  • Chemical change
    • Causes matter to become a new type of matter