Suitable primary standards

  • lists 3 properties of primary standard
  • doesn’t actually have to say that NaOH doesn’t have it, bc you’re alr stating it when u state that Na2CO3 has it

Complete the table using the readings from the burette

  • Find difference in values
  • Only uses 3 values??? apparently????
    • maybe it was because there was an error

Ocean acidification thingy

  • Less mass of shells due to higher pH as there is a lower rate of calcification


  • Compare [OH] and [H3O+] to justify if acidic or basic
  • When salt is comprised of acid/base with similar strength, state that effect sizes are roughly equal

Difference between Dry cell and Alkaline cell

  • 2 marks for each correct point
  • Electrode material
  • Electrolyte
  • Anode half cell equations

Electrorefining of copper: determine if zinc or silver can be extracted

  • Describe electrorefining of copper
  • Generic link to zinc + silver
  • Show that silver will fall to bottom as anodic sludge
    • State that it is because it has a lower oxidation potential and thus is less likely to oxidise
  • Show that zinc will oxidise and float around in solution
    • State that it is because it has a higher oxidation potential and is thus less likely to reduce
  • Silver can be filtered out, zinc cannot be separated

Know difference between risk and hazard

Energy profile diagram

  • Separate enthalpy change and activation energy for clarity

Never say amount, always say volume/mass

Buffer solution

  • State that buffer is formed
  • Buffer equation
  • Le Chatelier’s Principle for small changes in pH when strong acid/base is added
  • State that when base is added, formation of reactants is favoured


  • Chlorides are not appropriate half cells
  • Do not mention pressure if dealing with solely solutions and electrodes of the material