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Paraphrased very slightly.

So. This is quite an interesting image, isn’t it. My best friend RJDJcool3, Student Councillor of our school, has started to use Obsidian.

RJ here is trying to make a table using the Advanced Tables Plugin. RJ has been using Obsidian for two weeks and has already discovered community plugins. RJ thinks he’s hot sh-t. And Ajay is brimming with the confidence of a 10 year old who just walked into a national chess tournament.

RJ found this problem here, and asks nottaro for help. He says, “Golly gee darn, there’s no way he can solve it!” nottaro takes a look at it, and tells him to do the table again. RJ, outraged at the 5 minutes that he lost from making the table, challenges nottaro to complete it faster than him. Amazingly, nottaro does.

RJ is amazed, and then finds out why his table wasn’t working. Embarrassed, he doesn’t tell nottaro.

nottaron immediately notices and then proceeds to slam him on how he didn’t notice. He put the title above the table, which ruins the plugin.

RJ leaves the voice chat.

RJ rejoins, and then proceeds to say, “At least we know what happened,” to which nottaro responds to “We? You didn’t do jack.” RJ then says, “At least now we can fix our mistake,” where nottaro goes, “Our? It’s your fault!”
