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Decay: occurs when unstable nuclei breakdown into smaller parts, sitting small particles with high energy

Radioactive decay: process in which unstable nuclei break down into smaller particles

Ionising ability: ease which radioactivity forms ions

Penetrating power: extent of different types of radiation to pass through matter 

Mass defect: difference between total mass of the individual nucleons, and the mass of the nucleus as a whole 

  • The total mass of a stable nucleus is always less than the combined masses of the nucleons

Nuclear energy: binding energy that is released when a nucleon is removed from its nucleus

Strong nuclear force: force that holds neutrons and protons(nucleus) together, and stops the nucleus from breaking apart from the repulsion caused by electrostatic forces between protons

Electrostatic forces: force between stationary charges. Opposites attract, same charges repel

Proton: positively charged particle in nucleus

Neutron: neutrally charged particle in nucleus

Electron: negatively charged particle orbiting nucleus

Proton number: number of protons in nucleus

Nucleon: Protons and neutrons

Nucleon number: number of nucleons in nucleus

Isotope: variations of the same element with different amounts of neutrons

Radiation: emission of energy in electromagnetic waves or subatomic particles, usually fast-moving ones

Background radiation: level of ionising radiation in environment

Natural sources of radiation: radiation that is emitted naturally by the environment

Artificial sources of radiation: radiation that is emitted artificially, or is made to emit it, e.g. x-rays, smoking (radionuclides in tobacco smoke)

Radioactivity: property exhibited by certain substances of emitting energy and subatomic particles spontaneously

Alpha particle: 2 neutrons and 2 protons ejected from a heavier nucleus to make it lighter. Identical to a helium nucleus

Beta particle: negatively charged particle with little to no mass is ejected from a nucleus with an excess of neutrons (neutron converts into proton). Identical to an electron

Gamma particle/ray: electromagnetic radiation with a high frequency and shortest wavelength, discharged from nucleus with an excess of energy. Light.

: energy and mass equation, used to find the mass defect and binding energy of an atom. Interrelates energy and mass. Einstein’s equation, mass-energy equivalence

  • Proves that mass can be converted into energy, allowing smf to be applied

Mass defect: difference between the mass of the nucleus and the combined mass of the nucleons

Binding energy: the mass defect is converted into energy with e=mc2, and is used to hold the nucleus together. This is considered binding energy

Half-life: the time it takes for half of a radioisotope/radioactive substance to decay

Fission: a process in which a heavier nucleus splits into 2 lighter nuclei, releasing a large amount of energy in the process

Fusion: a process in which 2 lighter nuclei combine into 1 heavier nucleus, releasing a huge amount of energy in the process

Atomic Mass unit (AMU): Mass of an atom relative to 1/12 of the mass of a free-floating carbon atom

Atomic Mass: Mass of an atom, measured in AMU